As a 3D animator, I really treasure my background as a miniature painter
and actively seek to integrate it into my work. I think a distinctive animation style
can be achieved through the combination of the rich pictorial space characteristic
of traditional Pakistani miniature painting with current 3D animation practices. I
think using the miniature painting and playing with it in animation, 2D and
compositing software creates a very interesting merger of the past and present.
My 3D animation strives to pull the viewer into this “created version” of a world
experience, allowing him to float between multiple eras as it embraces the old
and new. I’ve always been very passionate about illustration. My strong drawing
skills have always played an important role in enhancing this passion for drawing
and making caricatures of everyone around me. I use illustration as a tool to
describe a person’s presence – it is a skill that comes so naturally for me. By this
talent in illustration with highly finished backgrounds typical of miniature paintings
and imbuing with the movements of animated 3D characters, I am able to create
surreal scenes, which elevate both a traditional and a new art form in the